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Canine First Aid

Knowing what to do in any first aid situation, knowing what signs to look for in certain conditions is an absolute must for any dog owner.



    In our brand new First Aid Mini Digital Course we take you on a deep dive on all things ⛑ first aid ⛑ .

    Watch as our Top Vet and Trainer team take students through an abundance of first aid situations live, working with real dogs. This visual learning is so powerful for you and it means you get to watch and take it all in from the spectator’s chair in your warm happy surroundings.

    Knowing what to do in any first aid situation, knowing what signs to look for in certain conditions is an absolute must for any dog owner.

    This course gives you everything you will need to tackle any first aid situation. This will massively boost your confidence and knowledge and you will become your dog’s true first aid expert.

    As a super bonus you will also receive essential first aid resources, which includes an eBook to compliment your learning. Then once you are ready you can take our ⛑ First Aid ⛑ Quiz to really cement your knowledge and when you successfully complete our quiz you’ll get a certificate. How cool is that?!

    You’ll have life time access to this course so you can jump on in at any point as a refresher! LIFETIME 🙌